NYKWALE capsule collection on the catwalk at MODECANADAROCKS Spring Equinox | photo: Raymond Chow
Designer Éugenie Amegah remembers having to juggle her African origins and Canadian identity from a young age. She describes herself as Canadian born and African raised, “My parents are from Ghana and Togo, and my grandmother who had a big part in raising me, lied to me that she couldn’t speak English, so I had to learn her language. So I ate the food, wore the clothes, basically I was an African child.” Amegah says being surrounded by African culture has impacted her brand of fashion. Her design line, “Nykwale” means the name is dear and is her beloved grandmother’s middle name.
“NYKWALE” is a clothing brand inspired by various beautiful African cultures and the freedom and artistry of millennials. It is a brand that will make you feel bold and brave. Wearing NYKWALE is more than just wearing clothes… It’s a lifestyle. To be seen, to be heard and to be understood. Live to be different, be your best self and wear NYKWALE so they know it’s real.