Janelle Wawia
Published On: March 23rd, 20230.6 min read

Janelle Wawia capsule collection on the catwalk at MODECANADAROCKS Spring Equinox | photo: George Pimentel

Janelle Wawia, a self-taught artist from Red Rock Indian Band, takes her multidisciplinary work to another level. She embodies both boldness and gentleness, being a trapper on family traplines, and an award-winning painter and furrier. Janelle’s work encompasses runway fashion, beading and jewellery design, tanning hides and hide camps, acrylic paintings, and flash tattoos, all with a focus on women and their connection to the land. Furthermore, Janelle holds a passion for working with youth and advocating for mental health. She also has a deep connection to the land and finds comfort in spending quality time with her family on the trapline.